Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saving Valuable Time with Office Macros - Part I

Kristin Firmery
CTE Marketing Cluster Specialist
While most of us love our career paths, we often hate the administrative tasks that seem to occupy so much of our time.  Often the tasks are repetitive in nature and we wish we could automate the process.  If only we could find programmers to write us some software specific to our needs.  And can we could find programmers who can maintain the software.   What about budgets?  “It ain’t gonna Happen.”

While most of us do NOT have access to programmers and no desire to learn programming competencies, we can learn to use office application macros.   Microsoft Office applications have a macro language call Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).  While this is a programming language, the good news is that you can record any of your repetitive processes in these applications and then automate the processes by executing your recording.  Better yet, you can attach your recording to a ribbon, menu item, or a button on your office application and execute it any time you want.

Here is a list of competencies you can teach yourself about Microsoft Office Macros.

Part I
1.      How to record and save a VBA Macro

2.      How to find your VBA Macro

3.      How to execute your VBA Macro
Part II
4.      How re-record or edit your Macro

5.      How to attach it to a menu ribbon (menu or button)

6.      How to edit code or create forms (advanced work)
This first step is to understand when using an Office VBA macro could save you time.    Normal day to day tasks and data processing are ideal candidates for VBA macros.  Suppose every day you need to load in a document template you designed and then fill out the information required and then save that document.  Many times you have selected “Save” or Office saved it automatically instead of a “Save As” messing up your template.  You find yourself cleaning out the changes in the template at least once a month. Many grading websites generate text files that can alleviate the old grade book processes. Why reformat the text with heading, spacing, or formulas each time? A Macro can be built to do all of the work for you!
Macro Creation Steps
1.      Define Macro Needs and Keystrokes

2.      Open Workbook and Record New Macro

3.      Assign Macro Name and Description

4.      Perform Macro Series

5.      Stop Macro Recording
 Creating a Macro is similar to turning on a video camera that records your every move and will play itself back for you at any time. Before recording a macro, it is important that you compile all of the necessary keystrokes for your automated process. Think of all of the processes that you perform on your imported data to generate the final version. Do you add columns? Do you format bold headings on titles? Are you using any formulas? Once you have completed your list of actions, you can start recording the Macro.

The “Record Macro” button can be found under Tools | Macros | Record Macro in versions before 2010. The “Record Macro” button is found under View | Macros | Record Macro in Office 2010 and newer. Once you select the record button, the macro will need to be named. There is also a space for a short description of the tasks the macro is performing.

While recording the macro, complete your standardize tasks that you had listed in the keystroke compilation. Be sure to stay in the excel document you are using. Do not switch to other documents while recording your macro.

When you are complete with the macro, simply press “Stop Recording” from the Macro dropdown list.  Your new macro will be listed under the “View Macro” dropdown list. Select your new Macro from the list and press “Run”. This will automatically run the Macro for the data you have selected. The Macro writes a code for the author. The next article in this series will address how to step into the code and address any issues you may have with the Macro. 

Remember, VBA macros are not a substitution for heavy data processing such as database applications might need. Macros are useful for many versions of data control and manipulation. Checkout Part II in your journey to project automate your office tasks!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Excellent Educational Games

by Amber O’Casey
Cluster Specialist
Government & Public Administration and Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security is an excellent resource for GPA and LPSCS educators and any educator promoting civic knowledge. It is a “web-based education project designed to reinvigorate civics teaching and learning” which “features free games, lesson plans, web quests, and interactive modules.” The curriculum covers a broad range of civics topics and the educational games
provide students (and admittedly educators) with fun, first person, virtual civic experiences. Below is a list that highlights the game topics. Take a few minutes to try one of the games. You and your students will enjoy it.
Citizenship and Participation
  • Activate – campaign for an issue of your choice
  • Cast Your Vote – moderate a political debate
  • Counties Work – create and manage a county
  • Immigration Nation – guide newcomers along their path to citizenship
  • Responsibility Launcher – give civic sense to virtual citizens
  • We the Jury – act as a jury member and deliberate a case
The Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • Argument Wars – argue a Supreme Court case
  • Do I Have a Right? – run your own constitutional law firm
  • Do I Have a Right?: Bill of Rights – run your own firm specializing in the Bill of Rights
  • Power Play – coach a team of players competing to win power for the state or federal government
  • People’s Pie – control the budget of the federal government
Separation of Powers
  • Branches of Power – control all three branches of government
The Executive Branch
  • Executive Command – act as the President
  • Win the White House – manage your own presidential campaign
The Legislative Branch
Law Craft – act as a member of Congress
Represent Me – work as a legislator
The Judicial Branch
  • Argument Wars – (see above)
  • Court Quest – navigate the US court system
  • Do I Have a Right? – (see above)
  • Supreme Decision – act as a Supreme Court justice
  • We The Jury – (see above)